Monday, February 13, 2012

Progress Report

So my research paper topic is not exactly perfected yet, but I have a basic sketch of what I want to do for my paper. I've decided to focus on a comparison between Hamlet and Iago as revenge characters. As background to this, I've decided to bring in some information about the genre of the revenge tragedy, the characters' different uses of deceit and subversion, and how these would be portrayed on stage in costume.

I don't exactly have a thesis yet, but in my analysis so far, I've noticed that these two characters have a lot in common, but they play sort of foil characters to each other. Iago is what Hamlet would be without his good intentions and the audience's sympathy. Hamlet is a character that the audience is supposed to follow with sympathy as they watch his sanity unravel as his plans unfold in success. This has often been portrayed in his costume slowly falling apart, and losing layers. On the other hand, Iago is an immediately pernicious character, distrustful immediately, whom the audience hates as they watch his plans cause tragedy as they slowly unfold in failure. This is usually portrayed in dressing him up in 'bad guy' clothes. Yet sometimes, depending on the director or the designer, Iago will wear 'good guy' clothes, until later in the play as he turns into more and more of a distrustful character, he is dressed more like a 'bad guy.'

Here are the phases we went through last week, and where I discussed them:
Textual Analysis
Textual Anlaysis
Social Proof,  
Social Proof,

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