Monday, January 16, 2012

Shakespeare's authorship: a question?

So I was browsing in the library for a hard copy of King Henry V, and found a couple of interesting titles on Shakespeare that seemed to suggest there was a question of his authorship in some of his works. There were titles like: "Who Were Shake-speare?" and "A Rose by Any Name," discussin the possibilities of Shakespeare and ghost writers under the name, considering the many ways it was spelled, and with the different types of handwriting we have in evidence. Some have scanned photos of the different types of handwriting:

PS, I also saw some titles that suggested a little of Shakespeare's legacy, including plays about his life:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I went to the BYU bookstore hoping they'd have books ABOUT the bard as well as books by him. No such luck. The infodesk guy looked at me like I was a complete moron. Why? No idea. I will post about what I did find though!
